Prenatal consultations are available over the phone or in person.

Doula services are becoming more widely requested and used, and for very good reason.  The word ‘doula’ is derived from the Greek language, and translated means ‘woman who serves’. In modern times a doula is a fully trained professional who works ‘in service to others’, offering emotional and physical support to a woman, her partner and their baby before, during and after childbirth. 

Statistically it has been shown that to have a doula attend a birth there has been an overall general reduction in caesarean and epidural rates.  Many families also report a more empowered birthing experience and happier birth outcomes.  One of the doula’s aims is to help remove any fear associated with birthing and to remind women that their bodies are completely and perfectly equipped to birth.

Another service that is also becoming widely sought is an end of life doula.  Just as birth doulas can be useful to parents-to-be and new parents, an end of life doula’s role is to support the person passing over, while also offering comfort and support to that person’s family and/or those close to the person.  A death doula is appropriately trained and can be of great assistance in supporting families and others to cope with death.  

A birth or death doula’s role is never to interfere in the process but rather to provide nurturing support and create ease in the situation that the person is experiencing.



  • Autumn Ryan – Birth Foundation & Postnatal Doula Training

Contact Autumn directly for more info & to arrange a time for a free initial consultation Or you can call reception on 9416 9872